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Social Media for Non-profits: Best Practices for Non-profits

Social Media For Non-profits: Best Practices For Non-profits

Social Media for Non-profits: Before 2000 no space for social media platforms; now, it is the only era of social media channels that keeps the audience engaged in real-time by connecting with the community.

Running social media profiles will be a challenging task that can’t be managed in a single approach if you think of leveling up social media channels like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc., to target a million audiences. Here is the set of best practices of social media for non-profits.

Best Practices for Social Media for Non-profits

Set up accounts as non-profits:

Set up the social media account as a non-profit that can connect with the community.

Add donation buttons:

Adding the donation button in the social media profiles enables the audience and fans to take the donating activity.

Get free resources and training:

Try to reach the free resources to find the required information about the non-profit’s social media profiles.

Understand the social media policies and guidelines:

Before going up with the non-profit, it is necessary to understand the policies of social media platforms.

Create a content calendar:

When businesses want to publish upcoming content through the strategy of scheduling, then creating a content calendar is essential.

Share stories about people:

As a non-profit organization, you can share the stories of the people behind your organization to elevate your profile.

Post shareable content:

Generate the content that makes your audience share on their profiles and reach more audiences.

Run a hashtag campaign:

Get the most engaging social media channels and launch hashtag ad campaigns that let the audience participate in your campaign and spread word of mouth.

Launch a fundraiser:

Launch the fundraising events by collaborating with the great team to build a strong relationship with the community.

Boost with tags and partners:

Add the tags to the content you upload on the social media profiles and partner with the industry leaders to reach more communities.

Host an online event:

To hype your profile, it is essential to host online live events that add the attention of the public.

Be consistent and post regularly:

Regular posts upload another promotional activity required to engage the audience on the built community.

Collaborate with organizations that are entirely similar to you:

Research the trending and similar organizations that can boost the popularity of your organization.

Pay attention to your message:

Before delivering the message through ad campaigns or emails, cross-check what you have composed.

Posts serve a purpose:

Creating the content you want to upload must project the primary purpose of your non-profit organization.

Deliver the most valued get the supporters:

Find supporters from all other relevant niches and make it the most valued to support.

Seek out your target community:

Always reach your target community by leveraging marketing and advertising technologies to engage.

Quality over quantity:

Instead of delivering massive content, try to add high-quality content that can be favorable.

Provide quality visual content:

Add compelling images and videos to make your social media posts more visible and hold website engagement.

Postpositive content:

The most significant aspect of finding a real-time audience is adding positive content that gives an emotional touch.

Post video content:

Video is the evergreen audience engagement source that lets businesses find their brand reputation.

Use multiple social channels:

Get multiple social media platforms to feature your content that can find real-time supporters for your organization.

Hold Creative Contests:

Host the most innovative contest that can be the medium to attract the audience to reach your business profile.

Be responsive to your fans:

When you find the fans’ comments on your posts, be attentive to give an immediate response that makes them get a favorable opinion.

Change the banners and profile photos:

Keep changing the profile photos and banners to attract the new audience consistently.

Give fans a reason to follow you:

Make your fans find the reason to know why they need to follow and add the most advanced strategies to do that.

Be entertaining and use humor:

Implement the strategy of entertaining the social media audience in all ways they want.

Explore paid social:

Invest in launching paid social media ad campaigns that help find relevant supporters.

Never buy followers:

Don’t stick yourself to buying fake followers for your social media profiles that may damage the brand’s reputation.

Find the audience engagement by posting the interactive content:

Be focused on featuring interactive content that can be used to engage the audience.

Let the followers donate easily:

Make sure to let the followers or fans find it simple to donate funds easily to your organization without wasting time.

Scale performance of the strategy:

Measure the performance of your ad campaigns on social media and use advanced tactics to engage.

Set your KPIs, tracking, and benchmarks:

Set up the most engaging KPIs, benchmarks, and tracking aspects to keep track of your business correctly.

Hire a dedicated social media manager:

Find the social media managers to get the most out of your business efforts by reaching the right audience.

Creation of social media volunteer:

Give space for social media volunteers to save time and find more engagement.

Be social!

Being social can let you find the leadership skills, confidence, empathy, and peer acceptance to engage the audience.

Be an authentic member of the community:

Make sure to build brand authenticity to gain the engagement of communities on social media.

Make it easy to share your story:

Be sure that your audience should share your brand story without being complex.


It is impossible to engage the audience consistently on social media channels. The most strategic approach is required to be active on social networks that provide the brand’s reputation. When we engage the 2 to 5 social media channels virtually, it drives continuous audience participation.


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Kiran Voleti

Kiran Voleti is an Entrepreneur , Digital Marketing Consultant , Social Media Strategist , Internet Marketing Consultant, Creative Designer and Growth Hacker.

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