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How to Make Snapchat Work for Your Personal Brand

How To Make Snapchat Work For Your Personal Brand

Social media reigns supreme in this world; how can you make Snapchat work for your branding? Here are tips that will help you get started. Firstly, use stories whenever possible to showcase your best moments and activities.

Secondly, take advantage of the filters and lenses available on the app – they’re great for adding flair to photos! Finally, be aware of what’s going on in the news; this is an opportunity to share opinions with others about current events or hot topics!

If you want to get ahead in the millennial-driven world of social media, then Snapchat is a great place to start. Whether you wish to use it for business or personal branding purposes, there’s no denying that this app has taken over and become one of the most popular apps out there. It can be tricky at first, but we’ve got your back with some tips on how Snapchat works for your needs!

The key benefits of using Snapchat

You can create Stories that last 24 hours (or less!) and disappear after viewers watch them. This makes them perfect for sharing behind-the-scenes content, like during an event when you’re working as a brand ambassador.

Snapchat is a trending social media platform that has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years. It’s slightly different from other social media platforms and can be confusing initially. Here are some tips to help you get started!

Snapchat for Personal Branding

If you’re going to use a social media app, I recommend Snapchat for personal branding. It’s much easier to build connections with people this way than using Twitter and Facebook, which are more about business.

People often forget that a personal brand is just as important as a business one. So, here are some tips from your friendly neighborhood bot on using Snapchat for branding.

Social media is the most engaging channel for promoting your business, but it can also hurt it. The best approach is to start with Instagram and build a presence before trying something like Snapchat.

How to Create a Visually Appealing Snapchat Marketing Strategy

Several factors contribute to creating a visually appealing Snapchat marketing strategy. First, you must create engaging content. This means your snaps must be exciting and fun to watch, but they also have to provide value for the audience viewing them.

One of the most creative ways to use Snapchat is through marketing. For example, you can create a branded geo-filter for your next event, which will help people know about it before they arrive.

A free Snapchat marketing strategy involves analyzing your audience’s demographics and creating content that appeals to them. You can also use filters, geofilters, and other tools to make your Snaps unique.

Let your business brand stand out by creating a visually appealing Snapchat marketing strategy.

You can build a large following on the platform by creating an exciting username, posting original content, and interacting with other Snapchat users.

Snapchat Marketing: Content Ideas to Stand Out as a Personal Brand

  • Take photos of your daily routine
  • Take selfies with friends or family members
  • Send out a “good morning” snap to start the day off right
  • Post pictures of yourself at work, in meetings, or on conference calls
  • Snapshots of your favorite hobbies and interests- for example, if you are an avid runner, post a picture showing how many miles you ran that week
  • Share content from other people who inspire you
  • Determine your target audience and demographic
  • Creation of content that is relevant to your target audience’s interests
  • Use creative filters, stickers, and emojis to make your snaps more interesting
  • Add some personality by adding captions or voiceovers on top of the snap you are sending out
  • Post a selfie with a creative filter to show off your personality
  • Take a picture of something you love and post it on Snapchat
  • Post photos from events, parties, or other social gatherings
  • Share articles that are relevant to your industry or interests
  • Share your daily routine
  • Document your day-to-day life
  • Ask questions of followers to engage them more in the story
  • Show what you do for work, including the people you work with and any exciting projects you’re working on
  • Post pictures of food or drinks that are related to your niche

Snapchat Personal Branding Strategies

  • Create an account and upload your logo
  • Add a profile picture that reflects you
  • Follow other accounts in your industry to see what they’re posting
  • Send snaps about your day-to-day life, not just work or business-related things
  • Follow friends, influencers, and brands who are relevant to your interests
  • Create snaps that are unique and authentic to you so people will remember you
  • Use filters that match the tone of what you’re trying to say or do on Snapchat
  • Add captions or emojis for context if needed
  • Use the app to share your life with friends and followers
  • Take pictures of what you’re doing, eating, or wearing that are exciting and unique
  • Share videos on Snapchat Stories about your day-to-day activities
  • Add filters to photos for fun effects
  • Create a catchy username that is easy to remember
  • Send out snaps with your face and voice (aka selfies)
  • Include the date, time, and location in each snap you send out
  • Make sure your friends are following you back before sending them any snaps
  • Add filters for fun
  • Create a professional profile picture that includes your name and contact information.
  • Add a cover photo to show off your personality or interests
  • Share content that is relevant to what you do for work, such as pictures of the office or employees at work
  • Share behind-the-scenes moments from your day at work, like when you’re in meetings or traveling on business trips

Snapchat Ads for Personal Branding

  • Determine your target audience
  • Create a story relevant to your target audience and will catch their attention.
  • Ensure the story’s content is engaging enough for people to watch it through without skipping ahead or closing out.
  • Use filters to create an exciting effect or add some humor if needed
  • Snap your day-to-day life
  • Add filters, captions, and emojis to make the snaps more interesting
  • Send snaps to friends to build up followers on your story
  • Get sponsored ads from brands you like to generate revenue
  • Find your “story” settings and select how many viewers you want to see it
  • Add filters to your snaps for more personalization, or use the camera’s built-in filters
  • Start snapping! Be sure to snap everything from what you’re doing at work to pictures of your kids to just hanging out with friends
  • Snapchat is a great way to connect with your audience and to show them a more personal side of you
  • Set up ads on Snapchat by going into the app, tapping the ghost icon at the top left corner, and pressing “Add Friends.”
  • Once you’ve added friends from your phone’s contacts or other social media accounts, tap “Create Ad” in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Snap an ad that will resonate with your followers. It should be short and sweet and contain something funny or eye-catching.
  • Use all of Snapchat’s ad features, like geofilters and sponsored lenses.
  • Find the right audience for your brand.
  • Choose what type of ads to run- sponsored geofilters, video ads, or both
  • Set up an ad campaign with parameters and goals in mind
  • Measure the results of your campaign


Snapchat can be the most powerful tool for your branding efforts. It allows you to share the human side of your business with followers and enables them to feel like they know you personally.

With so much competition in the digital space, this is an important point that shouldn’t be overlooked! If you’re looking to gain more information on how to make Snapchat work for your branding strategy, find some help, or have questions about what’s possible with our team, let us know by contacting me today!


Call: +91 9848321284

Email: [email protected]

Kiran Voleti

Kiran Voleti is an Entrepreneur , Digital Marketing Consultant , Social Media Strategist , Internet Marketing Consultant, Creative Designer and Growth Hacker.

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